Economic Justice

In Dallas County, the average family of four makes $86,000 in annual household income–$18,000 less than the living wage in Dallas County. Because of Texas Republicans, Texas has one of the lowest minimum wages in the entire country, making it impossible for everyday Texans to get and stay ahead.

Democrats support: 

A paycheck that is worth your worth: The $7.25 minimum wage was established fifteen years ago when the median home price was just $141k and you could pick up a carton of eggs for $1.60. Democrats want to increase the minimum wage to $15/hr, ensuring stability for working families.

Standing by working families: Republicans want to cut taxes for the very wealthy, Democrats want to cut taxes for you. Policies championed by Democrats like the Child Tax Credit would put thousands of dollars back into the pockets of working families.

Student loan forgiveness: Your parents paid their way through college working part-time at a coffee shop–so why can’t you? College tuition has increased a staggering 180%, making it nearly impossible for low and middle-income students to graduate on-time and debt-free. Democrats want to level the playing field by forgiving a portion of student loans, making community college free for eligible students, and putting an end to predatory student loan lending.

Multiple pathways to a living wage: Right now, people are stringing together two, three, and even four jobs to make ends meet. By increasing funding for trade schools, cracking down on big corporations that ship jobs overseas, and creating new jobs, Democrats are fighting to equip families with what they need to live in dignity.

Republican obstruction of policies that benefit working people and attempts to cut taxes for the wealthy show that Trump and his cronies will stick up for their wealthy donors. By voting Democratic on November 5, you will help create a Texas that works for everyone, not just the very few.


Voting Rights


Affordable Healthcare